Community Design Projects

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Community Planning & Urban Design

Rodeo Grounds Master Plan

Negotiated land purchase and directed General Plan Amendment, Annexation, Rezoning and Development Plan process. Held design charettes and public meetings to create a community endorsed plan for 100 acre property. Planning included work for the City of Santa Fe and the Rodeo Association which later lead to the design of the Genovea Chavez Community Center and Rodeo buildings. Playful buildings for the Rodeo Association act as a back drop for the annual livestock and equestrian events.

Genoveva Chavez Community Center

Taking the form a rolling wave, the roof of the Chavez Center shelters an integrated municipal sports complex with skating rink, 50-meter pool and multicourt gymnasium. The 170,000 square feet facility utilizes a clerestory strategy to bring solar heat to the swimming pool and diffused daylight illumination to the ice rink and courts.

Hugh MacPherson Driscoll, project lead for planning, programming, schematic design and design development, Mazria Associates.

Tierra Contenta Community

“Outstanding Planning Award, 1999” American Planning Association

Managed urban design and public process for approval of 1420 acre affordable housing community based on New Urbanist principles. Pedestrian based mixed-use zoning. Created design guidelines, including passive solar strategies, and proposed building prototypes. Urban concepts and design guidelines were then tested in the opening phase with the Los Milagros Neighborhood.

urban design, public process and design guidelines:
Hugh MacPherson Driscoll, project manager, Mazria Associates.

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