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Promoting stewardship with buildings that use resources wisely.

El Dorado Houses

These residences are successful efforts to bring sustainable systems and modernist architecture to the speculative housing market. Modest in cost, they utilize high performance envelopes and glazing, high mass/passive solar design and natural ventilation. Against the predictions of skeptics who doubted both the aesthetic and the technical approach, the homes were under contract even before completion.

architecture: Hugh MacPherson Driscoll, principal, Chord Architecture.

Tierra Contenta Community

“Outstanding Planning Award, 1999” American Planning Association

Managed urban design and public process for approval of 1420 acre affordable housing community based on New Urbanist principles. Pedestrian based mixed-use zoning. Created design guidelines, including passive solar strategies, and proposed building prototypes. Urban concepts and design guidelines were then tested in the opening phase with the Los Milagros Neighborhood.

urban design, public process and design guidelines:
Hugh MacPherson Driscoll, project manager, Mazria Associates.

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